Challis, Idaho

Challis, Idaho
I'm not sure if I'm ready for this...

Friday, June 21, 2013

City girl blends in...maybe

No, I haven't fallen into the river, nor have I been kidnapped by mountain gnomes! I am still here in my small town. I have survived our first year in Challis. A brief synopsis of this past year goes as follow;
-husband drives off the road into the river (Survives!!)
-acquired guinea hens,(picture a cross between a chicken and Mick Jagger!) accidentally.
-employed as a rural outreach victim advocate.
-planted our first garden and actually grew vegetables
-went on a real vacation that didn't include shooting guns and four-wheelers.

Just a brief overview of our year. I have so many stories to share of my "acclamation" to small town living. I look forward to passing on my knewly-found "knowledge" with anyone interested!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Feeling awkward in a small town.

I am not sure if I should be concerned or relieved. Let me explain. I was inquiring about our medical insurance coverage the other day; (you know, making sure that indeed the veterinarian hospital does accept our insurance! LOL) when I found out our plan covers air-lift services! That is how remote we are! At first I was a bit concerned, but then as I thought it over I was relieved. Think about it, if any of us were injured out here and had to rely on an ambulance ride to the nearest decent hospital we would either die or heal en route! I just thought that was interesting enough to share.
My family has started a new nightly tradition. We read the "Sherriff's Report" in the local paper. It is HILARIOUS! I'm not poking fun at the town, I just love and appreciate how small it is and how awkward I feel in it. Here is an example of an incident in the "incident log," 
" Officers responded to a report of trespassers at Pennal Gulch, but apparently didn't find any middle-aged miscreants or anyone else."  They must have a problem with middle-aged miscreants in these parts! hehehe

Ok, on with my homework I assigned myself last time. This was harder than I thought it would be. I said I would make a list of things I actually like about myself. Here goes it:

-I can find funny in anything
-I'm generous
-I'm loyal
-I'm honest

Monday, November 28, 2011

I've Arrived!

I am here in beautiful Challis, Idaho: population 909. 912, now that we are here. :) Sorry it has taken so long to get back on my blog; it took us some time to get internet access. Collecting all the foil, wire hangers and bootlegged baling wire took longer than we thought and rigging it to the roof was a real feat!!  I'm just kidding. There is internet access out here, just not cell service. I'm serious. We had to purchase our own little tower. Crazy huh.
The people here in Challis are really friendly and welcoming. Some of our neighbors are pretty interesting too. We have a constant stream of deer trotting through our front yard stealing apples, mountain sheep who live across the street who butt heads over the girl sheep and stray cattle that leave steaming piles all over our property! We turned this culture shock into an educational experience for our 11 year old son. With all the animals around us we have created a game we call, "NAME THAT POOP." Boys this age are innately into bodily functions so we thought we'd tap into that to help our son learn about the native wild life in the area. I wish I could say our Maltese, Cooper was getting the same education. He seems to think the deer poop is dog food and insists on eating it. Even worse, he finds pleasure in rolling around in cow poop as if its some sort of European mud bath. You notice I use the word poop rather than dung, skat, feces, guano etc. I'm sorry, when your dog rolls in it or eats it and comes waltzing in the house with that smell...

I have spent a lot of time alone since we have moved here. Steve works everyday so I have a lot of  "ME" time. Well, I am not good company, as many of you know. I have only cried a few times. I miss my friends and family dearly. When I had people around me I made jokes and laughed a lot. I don't do that when I'm alone. I am not all that happy with myself I suppose. There is no supposing, its the truth dang it. I hate admitting it. I know as women we are too critical and find fault with ourselves. I am the worst culprit. I need to start looking for the things I like in myself and dwell on those things. Maybe I will assign myself weekly homework. This week I will make a list of things I actually like about myself. If I have a list maybe I will share...I'm terrible! Did you catch that?? I wrote if I have a list. Shame on me. I need to try harder.

I will post some pictures of my "neighbors" we have encountered. I will be on here more regularly now, I promise. It's funny, I write this like anyone is reading this! hehehe

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, I'm homeless. Husbandless, computerless,and apparently luggage-less because all my clothing I have with me has been thrown into 2 HUGE Ikea bags. We packed up the house so quickly with the help of so many wonderful people that it wasn't clear what was to be left out. So I really feel homeless. I am living out of 2 Ikea bags out of my car. My husband is already in Idaho while our son and I stay here to finish out football. Ok, we're not totally living in a car; a good friend is letting us "crash" at her place for a week or two until playoffs are done. With last night being Halloween it was quite timely; we dressed up as sister wives!!
Living in limbo sucks. I miss my husband and I'm already tired of making my shoe selection from the trunk of my car!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

OK, maybe I can do this...

So, I have been home packing, with plenty of time to wrap my brain around the notion of moving. I still don't like it, but my attitude is different. I love Challis and the thought of an adventure; its the leaving "here" and the change involved. I HATE change. But I can do it. I just need to put my big girl panties on and do it. My husband has been sending pictures of the house and area of where we will be living, (probably in hopes to convince me how wonderful it is there.) I included a picture from the back deck. It is quite gorgeous. My husband Steve says you can hear the river while in the house. Great! I will have to go pee every 10 minutes!
But seriously, I am starting to think this move is a good thing. I have lost something in me. I have lost my confidence in me. I have in some way shut my self off to people and experiences. A couple of years ago a life-long, best friend of mine basically told me she was too busy for me and phased me out of her life. It was like losing a sister. I started doubting myself and my ability to do anything. I lost all confidence in my self. Oh I am not blaming the former friend, because I know people and friendships change, but I felt I wasn't significant enough. Looking back now, I realize I wasn't significant enough to myself. So I see this move as a new beginning. A new beginning with A LOT of changes living in a small town. I will post my observations and funny experiences along my journey. I will let you know how I am doing and if any one is reading this please post back to me and let me know how you are too. Advise is welcome just be nice to me...I'm fragile. Ok I'm not fragile. Cripes I don't think anyone has EVER used the word fragile to describe me! Maybe loopy...

Friday, October 14, 2011

First Post y'all

It's Friday night and I'm excited for the weekend. Not because I have fun plans for Saturday or we have a relaxing weekend planned. Nope. I am excited because I get to PACK. Yep. pack. woo hoo. I will have time to get some packing done. I don't want to be doing it last minute. Oh well. Wish I had more to report. Only a few more weeks until we push off into the great unknown...*sigh*